05 February 2013

Oracle Service Bus on Windows 7 64-bit: "setup.exe has stopped working"

This one had me scratching my head for a couple of days before I managed to workaround "setup.exe has stopped working" every time I started setup.exe in the Oracle Service Bus distribution on 64-bit Windows 7 for development purposes (ofm_osb_generic_11.

Had installed:
  • Oracle JRockit (jrockit-jdk1.6.0_37-R28.2.5-4.1.0-windows-x64.exe)
  • WebLogic 10.3.6
  • OEPE (oepe-indigo-all-in-one-

Turns out that running Disk1\setup.exe doesn't work.

Instead, run Disk1\install\win64\setup.exe.

D'oh! Thanks for the heads-up Oracle (not)...
Boot note...
If you, on first start-up of OEPE Eclipse experience the error: 'Failed to load the JNI shared library "C:\Program Files(x86)\Java\jre7\bin\client\jvm.dll"' then it's because Eclipse is trying to start your default (32-bit) JRE Java VM.

Instead, edit the eclipse.ini file and add the following lines immediately following the "openFile" line:
C:/Program Files/Java/jrockit-jdk1.6.0_37-R28.2.5-4.1.0/bin/javaw.exe

1 comment:

GenericParallel for OSB said...

Thanks, man! The use of JRockit was the key!
